Posted by jieun-im10 pts Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Netizens want these celebrities to star in an archery film, playing South Korea's '2020 Tokyo Olympics' archers Kim Je Deok, Kim Woo Jin, and Oh Jin Hyek

The '2020 Tokyo Olympics' is currently the main topic of dicussion for people all around the world. With recent news of the South Korean archer Kim Je Deok winning the gold medal, with team members Kim Woo Jin and Oh Jin Hyek, netizens could not help but to see the similarities between the three archers and specific celebrities.

On a popular online community forum, one netizen posted a photo, with the title, "Someone said there should be an archery film made with this casting Loll". In the photo posted, it suggested EXO's D.O to be casted as the teen archer Kim Je Deok, g.o.d's Kim Tae Woo to be casted as archer Kim Woo Jin, and actor Ko Chang Suk to be casted as archer Oh Jin Hyek. 

In response, some of the netizens' comments included:


"They look so frickin' similar Lollll."

"While watching archery, I thought Mr. Ko Chang Suk went to compete."

"D.O was really good in that film he did with Jo Jung Suk Loll He would match really well"

"Kim Tae Woo Lolllll It would be an honor for him to play a gold medalist."

"My honest feelings......Kyungsoo, I will make sure to watch your film."

"Wow, the synchronization with D.O. is amazing."

"Crazy Lollll."

"I came to read this post without much thought, but I got shocked at how they actually look really similar Loll."

"Crazy, the film would be so fun."

"They match so well, so it's so funny Lolll."

"Lolllll They look so alike."

"Lollll I had been wondering why celebrities were competing at the Olympics Lolll."

  1. D.O.
  2. Kim Tae Woo
2 8,539 Share 71% Upvoted
belinda-jeremiah3 pts Tuesday, July 27, 2021 0
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

OMG!! A film about archery is already interesting enough but with great casts like D.O?! that would be so cool if it happens!! *fingers crossed* I really love the way Kyungsoo acts

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my_love_is_moon666 pts Tuesday, July 27, 2021 0
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

They all passed to be the main actors. Just shoot my heart, Kyungsoo!! Im not even a Korean but i was so speechless and surprised by the fact that no one to this day cant even beat Korean in archery. All Korean athletes in archery are super awesome. Their performances deserved more than just a gold medal. You can tell that they are unbeatable from the accuracy and precision of every shoot they made. Congratulations!

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