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Posted by KpopJoA113 pts Wednesday, November 29, 2017

'Comfort Women' victims presented 'Women's Rights' award on same day Na Moon Hee won 'Best Actress' for 'I Can Speak'

Veteran actress Na Moon Hee won�the award for 'Best Actress', starring in the film 'I Can Speak', which depicted the lives of comfort women during World War II. This was an extra special moment as it was her first time winning 'Best Actress' in her 56-year acting career.�

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In a twist of fate, the actual comfort women victims were also presented with 'Women's Rights' award on the same day, making it an unforgettable occasion.

The '38th Blue Dragon Film Awards'ceremony was held on November 25 which also happens to be�the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

A representative from 'Foundation of Justice' stated, "The Women's Rights awards were presented in thanking not just comfort women alone but in honor of the women's rights/ peace movement."

Turning 91-years old this year, elder Kim Bok Dong emphasized upon receiving the award recalling the 2015 agreement between Korea and Japan, "I would like to return the money they gave me back then, and call to dismantle the act of reconciliation and healing."

She continued, "Until Japan gives a sincere and formal apology in addition to legal compensations, I cannot accept the money."

Despite severe weather conditions, victims during WWII gathered around the comfort women statue, participating in rally campaigns.

As for actress Na Moon Hee, she played the role of 'Ock Boon' and moved the hearts of many viewers.� To fully prepare for her character, the veteran actress rehearsed her English lines day and night, perfecting each gesture and expression in great detail.

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