Posted by sl278834 pts Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Z-Girls and Z-Boys' producer says the groups aren't being invited to music shows

The Z Girls and the Z Boys have made many headlines and built an international fan base, but it seems like they are having difficulty being invited to perform at Korean music shows. Both groups gained a lot of attention after it was revealed that none of the members were Korean. Although the Z Pop Dream Project has made an impact with their English songs on a global scale, they are having difficulty breaking into Korea. 

In an interview with the Korean JoongAng Daily, producer Jun Kang, who founded the Z Pop Dream Project stated that the groups "really want to appear on Korean TV music programs, but the barriers for entry are too high". He continued to state: “I’ve been working in the industry for 30 years and have many connections, but music shows tell us that they want K-pop and Korean songs and that our groups don’t fit in.”

What do you think about this situation?

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Hopkinz5,434 pts Wednesday, August 14, 2019 11
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

I mean, I'm not really on Z-pop's side. They said they want KOREAN songs, and they aren't singing in Korean. There have been Japanese groups, groups from Hong Kong, and that Russian girl but they actually sang in Korean so they were allowed. You can't just not follow the rules and expect them to give you what you want.

84 (+89 / -5)

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tqeil4,201 pts Wednesday, August 14, 2019 11
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

To break into the k-pop scene, I kinda feel the first step would be to sing in Korean. Like you can’t establish yourself as something new called z-pop and be upset when the k-pop industry doesn’t want to let you in. Foreign members of groups all have to learn Korean.. this should not be any different if they want to see a change.

57 (+59 / -2)

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