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Posted by KpopJoA113 pts Thursday, April 20, 2017

Father works at a convenience store for 7 consecutive years and counting to pay for children's surgical fees

MBC's 'Good Neighbors' recently introduced a heartfelt story following siblings Hyomin (18) and Hyungmin (15) suffering from hereditary multiple exostoses.

Hereditary multiple exostoses is a rare condition where lumps and tumors form around the bones of a child during development leading to deformity and other serious medical problems.

Unfortunately, Hyomin and Hyungmin are both suffering from the painful condition. They toil through restless nights from the sharp pain like thousands of needles pricking their entire body as their parents try to curb the agony by embracing the children in tears.


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Since both children have been diagnosed with the disease, that calls for double the hospital payments.

Up until this point, siblings Hyomin and Hyungmin have both been operated a total of 15-16 times, as their parents are no longer able to handle the financial burden on their own.

A previous academy director, the siblings' father quit his profession and is solely focusing on making money to cover the immense medical bills.

The father has no time to rest in a 24-hour day cycle going from one odd job to the next such as delivering produce and pastries not to mention teaching at an academy.  He has also been working at a convenience store for the past 7 years.  There is only one thing driving him to this point, which is to fully heal his children.

Despite the rigorous battle, the family has not given up hope just yet.  They believe that a day would come when they can breathe a sigh of relief.

The siblings continue to dream of running and playing around with their family and friends just like normal children.  In order to do so, they need support from others. You can support them by visiting this page on social fundraising platform 'Toget'her with Kakao.' So far they have raised 15 million KRW (around $13,000).

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