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Posted by jubilantj179 pts Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Heartless mother hides her dead son in freezer for four years


News of a mother who stored her dead son's corpse in the freezer is alarming those who chanced upon the sickening tale on the January 18 airing of 'Kim Hyun Jung's News Show.'�

The show reported that the mother showed no remorse whatsoever about hiding her dead son's body in the freezer; yet, when it came to her daughter, she showed absolute compassion and adoration.�

According to the broadcast, when people asked the mother where her son was, she would carelessly respond that "he's out," and even that "he's missing," displaying no signs of worry or concern for her son's livelihood.�

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Meanwhile, the mother was said to act completely different towards her daughter, doing everything in her power to make her daughter happy and prosper. The mother signed up her daughter for piano classes, made sure she did all her homework, and would react alarmingly whenever her daughter got even the slightest scratch on her body.�

According to the radio show, the mother's heinous acts were exposed upon investigations on yet another child abuse case in Incheon.�

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