Back on March 21, Red Velvet attended a press showcase for the release of their special mini album, 'The ReVe Festival 2022 - Feel My Rhythm'.
On this day, leader Irene described the new album as, "an album that signals the beginning of 'The ReVe Festival', which is Red Velvet's very own music festival. We plan to continue our activities with a variety of promotions beginning with this album, so please look forward to what we have in store."
Well-known by the public as the "summer queens" for their hit track "Red Flavor", Red Velvet commented on returning with a brand new, never-before-attempted concept this year in the season of spring. Wendy explained, "We thought that for spring, it was important to focus on the sense of sight and the sense of smell. There's the scent of flowers, and also each of the members' visuals. While watching our MV, fans may feel like they smell flowers in the air. Spring is a season that symbolizes beginnings, so it will be a very exciting season for us."
Next, the members shared their thoughts on becoming 'Half Million-Sellers' with their new album, which recorded over 510,000 copies in pre-orders. Seulgi said, "I started my day feeling very happy after hearing that pre-orders for our album have surpassed 510,000 copies. I thought, 'So many fans waited for us, so I want to make good memories with them'."
Finally, Red Velvet expressed their goals and wishes for their latest comeback promotions. Wendy stated, "Many people listen to 'spring carols' in the spring. This year, Red Velvet would like to become the singers of the 'spring carol'. We hope to be known as the 'spring queens'." Seulgi said, "Our solo concert was unfortunately delayed. I hope that we can safely hold our solo concert this year. I also hope to stay healthy while promoting."
Here, Joy revealed, "We plan to have many comebacks this year. I hope that Red Velvet can becomes the queens of every season." Irene added on, "This is only our first album of this year. We plan to release many albums this year, and I have a small hope that we can all stay healthy and make precious memories with ReVeluvs."
Have you been listening to Red Velvet's 'The ReVe Festival 2022 - Feel My Rhythm'?

I'm pretty sure this means that all RV members have renewed their contracts with SM.
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