Current Events
Posted by jubilantj179 pts Monday, June 27, 2016

Person brutally attacked for being seen with another man's girlfriend?


A man was gravely injured when three men mercilessly beat him simply for the reason that he was hanging out with the girlfriend of one of the attackers.

A surveillance camera captured footage of a man dragging another man into an alleyway. Two other men, who are suspected to be the attacker's accomplices in the crime, are seen following suit. Soon thereafter, all three men start thrashing the victim by kicking and throwing punches at him. At one point, the leader of the pack grabs a chair to chuck at the defenseless victim. Passersby attempted to put an end to the beating but soon fled the scene, intimidated and overpowered. 

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The attackers reportedly dragged the man around for a total of 30 minutes and continued to beat him and only stopped once police arrived on the scene. 

Following investigations, police discovered that the reason for the attack was because one of the men was enraged upon seeing his girl with another man. Two of the attackers were booked without detention, and police are in search of the third perp who fled the scene. 

The victim reportedly suffered fractured ribs and a broken nose for which he will need to receive six weeks of treatment and undergo surgery. An officer relayed, "Had people tried to stop [the perps] more actively there might have been less damage; it's tragic, really." 

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