Posted by alim17308 pts Thursday, January 9, 2014

Heechul reveals he ran into Yoo Seung Joon who expressed his desire to return to Korea

Heechul, Yoo Seung Joon

On January 9, JTBC's 'Ssul Jeon' talked about military service and Yoo Seung Joon, a celebrity who was well-known for evading mandatory military service by getting an American citizenship in the last minute.  Because of his actions, he was banned from returning to Korea.

Heechul talked about his own experience with entering the military, particularly the medical check-up he received after his car accident to see whether he was eligible for service.  He said, "The physical examination was even more thorough because there were a lot of people watching as well as the media.  At that time, I was told, 'Truthfully, you can be exempt, but you know about Yoo Seung Joon, right?' and was advised to at least do public service," which he heeded.  

SEE ALSO: Korean Military Manpower Association refutes rumor of Yoo Seung Joon's ban being lifted

He was then asked if he met Yoo Seung Joon while promoting overseas.  Heechul responded, "I met Jackie Chan and Yoo Seung Joon together while promoting overseas for Super Junior's 'Sorry Sorry.'"  The Super Junior members expressed their delight in seeing a veteran sunbae like Yoo Seung Joon and began to sing his songs and do his dances.

However, this caused Yoo Seung Joon to cry and express his desire to return to Korea. Kim Gu Ra began to jokingly chide Heechul, asking why he was dancing there as if he were taunting Yoo Seung Joon. 

  1. Heechul
  2. Yoo Seung Joon
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