What do you think is a criterion for a celebrity nowadays? Sure -- you need the "talent" in whatever you're doing. It may be singing; it may be acting; it may be dancing. There are plenty of categories in the Korean entertainment industry, but whatever you are doing, there is ONE thing you also need to be good at: taking PHOTOS.
And not just any photos; you need to be good at taking SELFIES. Photo taking in South Korea is huge, and it's not even for just celebrities. Selfies were a thing in Korea before the word "selfie" even came to be. In Korea, it's actually called "sel-ca" -- a Korean acronym for self-camera. Korea's technology was always advanced, so the selfie functionality existed in the pre-smartphone days as early as the mid-2000s.
With that being said, we can all agree that Korean celebrities need to brush up on their selfie skills -- and today, we'll be checking out a few stars who have mastered this skill to an expert level. Whether it be the angle or the filter, they're just an absolute ace for selfies. So let's check some out, and let us know if you agree or not!
TXT Yeonjun


TWICE Nayeon



Stray Kids Changbin




Okay, okay, let's admit it. Most K-pop stars have excellent selfie skills. So it was hard to find a select amount; however, the stars mentioned above are definitely kings and queens of selfies, and we can't say that's wrong.
So we want to add to this list -- who do YOU think has the best selfie skills in the k-pop world? Or was your bias perhaps already mentioned on this list? Make sure to let us know in the comments below!
Nayeon's 2nd photo, Was that a shade? Lol