The upcoming, December issue of 'GQ Korea' magazine featured the '2019 Men of the Year' as selected by 'GQ', including Lee Dong Wook, NU'EST's Minhyun, WINNER's Song Min Ho, and Oh Hyuk!
The four stars will be decorate four unique covers for next month's 'GQ' issue, a preview of which you can check out below. Each of the four stars were chosen for breaking out of their shells and taking on innovative new roles this past year - Lee Dong Wook for his transformation in 'Hell Is Other People' as well as on variety programs; Song Min Ho for his musician activities as both a soloist and a member of WINNER; Minhyun for his successful return to NU'EST as well as his debut as a musical actor; and Oh Hyuk for playing a part in spreading Korean Indie music globally.
Lee Dong Wook, Minhyun, Song Min Ho, and Oh Hyuk will be attending the '2019 GQ Night' year-end party taking place on December 5, in order to commemorate the '2019 Men of the Year' selection.

i love all four of them