Current Events
Posted by alice10144 pts Monday, October 3, 2016

Busan citizens stick thousands of post-it notes on an illegally parked car


Why did angry citizens start to put Post-It Notes on an illegally parked car?�

This was actually a performance for a campaign against illegal parking that was sponsored by Busan city.

The photos and video of the performance were recently shared on Busan city's official Facebook page.�

This performance was carried out on the busiest street intersection of Busan by having citizens stick Post-It Notes on a car that was illegally parked in the middle of the street.�

Each note had messages and thoughts on illegal parking written by the residents of Busan. By the end of the performance, the car, covered in colorful Post-In Notes almost seemed to be a work of art. The 'No Parking' sign in the middle of the car especially stood out.�

This campaign performance seems to be inspired by an event that was done by a Brazillian Youtuber who protested a car illegally parked in a handicap parking spot by covering the car with sticky notes.�

Check out the performance in action in the video!�

SEE ALSO: The Hipster Districts you can visit around Seoul

Capture from Brazillian YouTuber protest:

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