Current Events
Posted by jubilantj179 pts Friday, September 23, 2016

Woman causes scene at a clinic for ruining her life with a botched surgical procedure


The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency (SMPA) announced on September 23 that they have arrested a 33-year-old woman identified by her surname Yoo for causing property damage at an ENT clinic (otolaryngologist)�using a hammer.

Yoo underwent a surgical procedure on her nose at an unnamed ENT clinic last April to alleviate symptoms of her rhinitis and fix the deviation of her naval septum. However, the procedure involved some complications, resulting in side effects such as the sinking of the skin surrounding her nose.�

Yoo visited the same clinic again in December of the same year to undergo yet another procedure to repair the problem area; unfortunately, Yoo's symptoms only grew worse, forming bloody pus wells in her nostrils, and she was officially deemed to be at a "level 5" of disability.�

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According to police, Yoo went back to the clinic, located in Gangnam District, this past September 22 around 6:25 p.m. with a�hammer�in hand. Furious at the thought that the clinic's botched work on her nose ruined her life, Yoo smashed all the glass walls of the clinic.�

Though the clinic admitted fault, they stated that Yoo had received a plastic surgery procedure at a different clinic and that she had demanded an unreasonably excessive amount for settlement.�

Police have booked Yoo without detention and are looking into penalties for destruction of property.�

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