Posted by jubilantj179 pts Thursday, September 10, 2015

Kim Hyun Joong's father speaks up about news of Ms. Choi's baby

Kim Hyun Joong
Amid the news that Kim Hyun Joong's ex-girlfriend has given birth and that she will be filing a paternity suit against him, Kim Hyun Joong's father has stepped forward to share his thoughts on the whole debacle. �

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On September 10, Kim Hyun Joong's father told K Star via phone call, "We don't know when the baby was born, whether the baby is a male or female, and haven't been contacted at all. We had heard that the twelfth would be the delivery date so we were patiently waiting; instead we found out news of the birth through articles. We never even [directly] heard news of the birth so what do they mean they're going to sue for refusing the paternity test? Shouldn't Choi's side ask us first whether we want to do a paternity test or not?" lamenting the unfairness of Choi's unilateral decision for a paternity suit.�

Kim Hyun Joong's father continued, "We'll take the paternity test today and if the results are positive, we will take responsibility for the child. With the legal battle, we will continue to forge on without backing down," and emphasized, "If born in a different household, the baby may have been blessed. I just hope that the baby won't be hurt any more by either side."

  1. Kim Hyun Joong
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