Posted by Pakman30 pts Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Love Korean Food? Then this Facebook page is just for you


If you ever find yourself asking, "What should I eat today?", then this Korean Facebook page has the answers for you. Filled with endless foodporn, 'What should I eat today?' is a page that accepts submissions from Koreans and publishes the most delectable pictures of Korean and sometimes non-Korean food from all around the world.�

Check out some of these examples below. Warning: not for the hungry. I'm dying on the inside as I list these.�

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Ddukbokki (rice cakes) and fish cakes smothered in gochujang (red pepper paste). A favorite among Koreans. Chewy, spicy, and very filling. Noobs to spice (like myself) are advised to eat this with a jug of water and plenty of rice so that your mouth will be looking like this:

Instead of this:

A mixture of Korean and Korean-Chinese fusion food with ddukbokki, noodles, and kkanpunggi�(Korean variation of sweet and sour chicken).�

For the vegans and vegetarians already squirming, trust me, this is not the last you've seen of meat. The majority of Koreans are meat-lovers. You have been warned.�

Totoro, octopi, chicks, and bunnies have all gathered on your plate for an adorable snack time.

Oh my chicken sauce.�

This is some 'Epic Mealtime' genius. Kimchi, cheese, and bacon all in one Korean pancake. This pancake isn't a sweet treat, but rather a savory one. Want.�

A 52 cm (or 20 inch) long chicken skewer.

And now on to the desserts.�

Some Japanese genius made a treat with strawberries covered in white chocolate. Please, take my money.�

Cups that are MADE OF COOKIES for your milk. The problem of the century has officially been resolved.�

Last, but not least, this monstrosity of a crepe cake.

How I wish I could just eat this off my screen.

Despite the page's attempt to offer food suggestions, in the end it makes fans like myself crave what we sometimes can't have.�

"Cooookieee cuppp. T_T"

For more foodporn torture, make sure to check out their Facebook page here!�

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