Current Events
Posted by jubilantj179 pts Thursday, February 4, 2016

Man who attempted to terrorize Incheon International Airport with explosives apprehended

The man who gave a scare by planting a substance that looked suspiciously like explosives at Incheon International Airport was apprehended by the authorities. 

The man, identified as 36-year-old 'A', had left the explosives inside a bathroom at the airport along with a memo in Arabic that read, "God will punish you" this past January 29. Thankfully, 'A' was caught at Guro District several days later on February 3 by Incheon International Airport's police force. The next morning, the police briefed the results of their investigation of 'A', revealing the intent behind his attempted terrorist act. 

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Kwon Yong Seok, the chief inspector at Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency, stated, "'A' confessed that his inability to enter the workforce and general dissatisfaction with society led him to commit the act. We are digging into the exact motive behind the act and any possible relation to ISIS," even though the possibility that 'A' is actually connected to the terrorist group is slim to none. 

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