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Posted by alim17308 pts Thursday, October 29, 2015

[National Cat Day] 10 idols and their cat doppelgangers

HyunA, Junhyung, T.O.P, LE, Hani, Leni.M (Seung Ho), Siwon, Heechul, Moon Byul
1. [National Cat Day] 10 idols and their cat doppelgangers
In honor of National Cat Day, we here at the AKP office thought it'd only be appropriate to dedicate a whole feature on cats. And somehow relate it to K-Pop of course! So we compiled a list of K-Pop celebs who share similar physical features/personality quirks to cats, both fictional and real. Meow we go! I had to....
2. Cheshire Cat & Siwon
Playful, clever, and devious are the Cheshire Cat's most glaring traits, and we know Siwon has those sides. And that wide smile of his looks just like Cheshire Cat's mischievous grin!
3. Shironeko & Hani
Like Shironeko, the quirky Hani has an easy-going, always smiling persona.
4. Lucifer & Heechul
When it comes to sass and cunning, Heechul never lacks for both, and neither does Lucifer.
5. Lil Bub & Moon Byul
Dare I say twins?
6. Hamilton & T.O.P
The mustachio looks better on Hamilton...sorry T.O.P. You're still cool, don't worry.
7. Sam & Seunghee
Cheer up, guise! Why the long faces? Their cute concerned looking brows make them stand out from the crowd.
8. Grumpy Cat & Junhyung
The world isn't so bad...just wake up, inhale that crisp morning air, and absorb all that sunshine, and turn that frown upside down!
9. Venus & HyunA
HyunA's got the whole package which encompasses both sexy and cute, which makes her all the more lovable just like Venus!
10. Tom & LE
Much like Tom, LE is always after her 'prey' Junghwa.
11. Garfield & Seung Ho
Seungho is all about living life day by day, savoring every moment without rushing and worrying about tomorrow. Kinda sounds like Garfield, doesn't it?

SEE ALSO: HyunA reveals intense romance in 'Q&A' MV

  1. HyunA
  2. Junhyung
  3. T.O.P
  4. LE
  5. Hani
  6. Leni.M (Seung Ho)
  7. Siwon
  8. Heechul
  9. Moon Byul
  11. CAT
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