Posted by starsung87 pts Wednesday, June 25, 2014

IU shares her vision for South Korea to become a nation where citizens can pay tax without feeling resentment

IU�(21) showed that she is wise beyond her years by sharing her vision for South Korea to become a nation which instills confidence and trust so that its citizens wouldn't feel any resentment when it comes to paying tax.

SEE ALSO: IU to become the first Korean solo artist to hold a show at the Philippine Arena in June

IU attended Samsung's 'Passion Talk' ('2014 Outreach') event in Busan on the 24th and sang her remake version of "The Meaning of You" (originally composed by Kim Chang Wan).

Veteran singer Kim Chang Wan recalled at the event, "Not too long ago, I asked IU, 'What kind of nation would you like our nation to be?'... I was shocked by IU's reply. She said, 'I hope we become a nation where people won't feel resentment even when paying a lot of taxes.' I think she is a cool kid. IU is more than just music", sharing her vision for the South Korean government to make sure that tax money is solely being used for purposes that are beneficial to society.

IU clarified her previous statement, "I don't mean that I feel resentment right now", with shy laughter.

What are your thoughts on IU's vision?

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