Current Events
Posted by jubilantj179 pts Wednesday, January 27, 2016

North Korea suggests designing a course in Kim Jong Un's name at Indonesian university


Image: Yonhap

It was reported that North Korea suggested the designing of a course in Kim Jong Un's name at the prestigious University of Indonesia (UI), located in Depok, Indonesia. 

Indonesia's private press RMOL, The Jakarta Post, and other media outlets released articles on Tuesday stating that North Korean delegates and college professors visited UI and made the suggestion of establishing a course in Kim Jong Un's name. 

This suggestion marks the first instance that North Korea has suggested the establishment of a course on Kim Jong Un at a foreign institution of higher learning. 

Nesti Rahayu, employed under the students and staff services at the International Office of UI, said that the North Korean government and UI have entered into a partnership, stating, "The course on Kim Jong Un is a part of the agreement we entered into to implement the exchange of North Korean university and UI students, staff, and professors." 

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UI is currently positively considering North Korea's suggestions and there is a high possibility that a course in Kim Jong Un's name may be established at the university. 

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