Posted by jubilantj179 pts Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Kim Hyun Joong's father says Ms. Choi should not use the child as a bargaining chip

Kim Hyun Joong
The fight for the truth wages on between Kim Hyun Joong and his ex Ms. Choi, as their lawyers continue their games of media play. Kim Hyun Joong's father has also jumped into the mix, speaking for his son while he is away in the military. Kim Hyun Joong's father appeared on the December 23 episode of 'One Night of TV Entertainment' to discuss the recent developments, in particular the DNA test results and Ms. Choi's lawsuit against Kim Hyun Joong. 

Kim Hyun Joong's father told the reporter, "We knew that Kim Hyun Joong is the father. We just never confirmed it. When you give birth to a child, you have to check the DNA. We said we would take responsibility of the child but [Ms. Choi] brought suit against us." 

SEE ALSO: Kim Hyun Joong updates his fans and shares he's now enjoying life as a farmer

He continued, "If the courts sides with Ms. Choi, then we will have her raise the child. She is requesting 5 million KRW (~$4,261 USD) per month and alimony of 100 million KRW (~$85,225 USD); it's not like we're bargaining using the child.

On the other hand, Kim Choi's lawyer rebutted, "Honestly, what's more important than money when raising a child? We're requesting a reasonable amount.

  1. Kim Hyun Joong
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