Current Events
Posted by jubilantj179 pts Tuesday, November 3, 2015

73-year-old man sentenced to prison for having sexual relations with 13-year-old girl


A man in his 70's who had sexual relations with a 13-year-old girl, claiming that he's in love with her, was sentenced to five years in prison for charges of raping a minor. 

On Monday, the Gwangju High Court sentenced 73-year-old 'A' to five years in prison and the demanded that he complete 80 hours of a sexual violence treatment program for raping a neighboring teenage girl. 

At his home in North Jeolla Province's Gimje City, 'A' is suspected of raping 13-year-old 'B' on two occasions. 'A' allegedly raped 'B' after winning her trust by giving her allowance money and presenting her with sneakers and other gifts. 'A' had declared at his first trial, "'B' and I love each other, and we had sexual relations after we both agreed to it." 

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The court stated, "The defendant has confessed to all of his crimes and didn't use any violence or blackmail [towards 'B']. However, considering the objectionable nature of his crime and the mental anguish suffered by the plaintiff, whether someone may claim that the sentence is too heavy or too light, we do not believe the punishment unjust." 

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