Posted by alim17308 pts Wednesday, September 2, 2015

2EYES face possible legal issues with their concept for 'PIPPI'


2EYES had made their long-awaited comeback under Sidus HQ with a quirky track "PIPPI" and interesting concept, but things aren't smooth sailing from there. Swedish enterprise, Saltkrakan, claimed that their use of Pippi for their concept was a violation of trademark rights, sending a certification of contents to the agency.

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The girls certainly aren't the first to take on the Pippi Longstocking concept, but they did follow the concept the closest, from their red braids to naming their song 'Pippi'. It seems this caught the eyes of Saltkrakan who have issued a notice to Sidus HQ about a possible infringement on their trademark.

Regarding this, Sidus HQ stated on August 2, "We received the certification of contents from Swedish enterprise, Saltkrakan.  They're not saying they're going to sue us right at the moment; rather, they wanted us to modify the Pippi image.  The album concept itself was to show a tomboy transforming into a mature woman, so we tried to show a lot of different images.  Based on our legal team's decision, we plan to modify this.  As expected, we plan to enter discussions regarding their broadcasts this week."

  1. 2EYES
  2. PIPPI
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