Posted by jubilantj179 pts Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Lonely, injured, and abandoned puppy is on the road to recovery

A heartrending story of an abandoned puppy had an happy ending after all, as Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) revealed a photo of the pooch all recuperated and healthy! 

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The puppy's health had vastly improved since the time it was initially found covered in filth and suffering from a head wound. According to CARE, the puppy is currently being treated at one of the organization's hospital branches, and after a blood test, results showed that its nutrition level was not in a critical condition. 

The problem was a fractured skull. A CARE rep said, "From looking at the fractured skull, it looks as if its head cracked open from being struck or from a falling object. From the damage to its right side of the brain, [the puppy]'s vision and hearing were impaired, and we will have to decide if surgery is needed after observing the inflamed brain for about a week." 

A passerby had found the three-month-old puppy this past August 20 on the road in Daejeon. The puppy's original owner, a 39-year-old identified as 'A' was booked without detention for violation of animal protection laws. 'A' explained, "A flower pot fell on the dog our family was raising, and we thought it would die so we disposed of it in a trash bag." 

  1. Buzz
  2. CARE
  3. PUPPY
  4. DOG
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