Social Media
Posted by VITALSIGN42 pts Tuesday, December 21, 2010

MC Yoo Jae Suk moves netizens with his good deed

Netizens were recently touched over a good deed MC Yoo Jae Suk did without anyone knowing. On December 18th, a post by a netizen surfaced and earned over 70,000 views in a day.� Titled "I would like to express a message of thanks to Yoo Jae Suk," the post goes on to state:

"When my grandmother went up to Seoul (to visit a cousin living on his own), she got lost and wandered the streets.� She was carrying heavy bags, which she put aside, and briefly sat down on the side of a street in order to massage her legs.� A man wearing a hat stopped and asked her, 'If it isn't too much, could I carry your bags for you?'� The man then picked up her bags, and after looking at the piece of paper with my cousin's address on it, stated, 'This place is too far from here to walk to.' After my grandmother said that it was okay, the man grabbed a taxi and offered to personally take her there.� Since you can never know with the people you meet on the street these days, she politely refused.� The man then gave money to the taxi driver and asked him to drive her safely.� The taxi driver recognized him and asked, 'Aren't you Yoo Jae Suk?'� It was only then that my grandmother found out who he was. After that incident, our family has become great fans of Yoo Jae Suk.� I'm not sure if he will remember my grandmother, but I'd like to genuinely thank him."
Netizens applauded the deed and commented, "That is so like our nation's MC!," and "His genuine modesty deserves praise." Representatives of Yoo Jae Suk commented, "Even when he does good deeds, he is adamant about not revealing it to the public.� Even if this post is true, Yoo Jae Suk would want to hide it." Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

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