Civilians yell at the RIIZE members for seemingly 'cutting lines' at Incheon International Airport
Posted by Susan-Han 26 days ago 17,845
Conflict arose at Incheon International Airport on January 17 KST, when boy group RIIZE appeared on their way to depart for Tokyo, Japan.
Recently, due to increased crowds and increased overseas travel, many people are experiencing long waits of up to 2~3 hours simply to enter the gates of Incheon International Airport.
Then, on the morning of January 17 KST, RIIZE arrived at the airport in order to depart for Tokyo, Japan, surrounded by security clad in black, not to mention a mob of fans chasing after them.
When the group's security guards led RIIZE to the gates, further chaos ensued as civilians who had been waiting in line to enter the gates began complaining. One civilian even raised his voice and accused the members of RIIZE of "cutting", shouting, "get in the back of the line!"
The incident has now sparked a debate once again about if celebrities should receive "preferential treatment" during such circumstances.
Some netizens commented,
"I mean if I waited 2 hours and then saw those boys stalking up to the gate without a wait, I'd be mad too."
"The airport is so packed these days. It seriously takes 3 hours to get in."
"If they cut lines, they should get yelled at."
"So RIIZE get to go in first before all those people who waited in line..? Why..?"
"If there's a 2-hour long wait, then it doesn't matter if you're a celebrity, you need to wait."
"I really don't get that. So celebrities can just skip the lines and go in as soon as they arrive?? That doesn't sound fair."
"That ahjusshi is being too much but it's true that they shouldn't get special treatment."
"Celebrities should never get special treatment."
"I don't know if they actually cut the lines or what, but they really need to do something about all those reporters, cameramen, and fans at the airport. It's a huge mess."
However, others argued that if celebrities were to wait in the same lines as the civilians, this would cause further inconveniences for others should the crowds of reporters and fans linger in front of the gates for hours on end. Some then called on the airports to come up with a solution to address the many problems associated with K-Pop idols and overseas travel, expressing concerns for RIIZE.