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Posted by jubilantj179 pts Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Judge writes personal, heart-wrenching letter to the girl who was beaten to death by her parents


Incheon District Court's presiding judge Lee Un Hak recited a heart-wrenching letter he personally wrote for the middle school girl who was beaten to death by her own parents. 

The judge began, "I read this letter fully feeling the pain and grief you felt and knowing that you'll never fulfill your dreams to be an elementary school teacher. Now you have become one of the stars in the sky. We are sorry that we couldn't ward off your pain and grief...We hope that in heaven you'll meet your mother you've missed so much and that you will be happy.

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Lee concluded, "Please light the way so that there will be no more children in this country who will be suffer from abuse." 

The courts had sentenced the girl's father to 20 years and her stepmother to 15 years in prison, respectively. Further, they sentenced the couple to the compulsory completion of 200 hours on a program focused on child abuse prevention. 

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