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Posted by AllK_Maknae21 pts Sunday, April 2, 2017

7 K-Pop songs that perfectly sum up your week

1. Monday - 2NE1 'It Hurts'
It's Monday, and let's face it - it hurts! We don't wanna go back to school, work or whatever personal hell hole you spend a majority of your day in.
2. Tuesday - BIG BANG 'Blue'
If you thought Monday was a struggle, try Tuesday? You'll be singing your blues all day long. Although, some businesses claim their employees are more productive on Tuesdays. You be the judge.
3. Wednesday - Girl's Day 'Tilt My Head'
Is it only Wednesday? We are all sitting here tilt our heads, practically malfunctioning, wondering when the weekend will arrive!
4. Thursday - Chocolat 'One More Day'
It is Thursday! Although we aren't out of the woods yet, the weekend is just one more day away!
5. Friday - Dal Shabet 'Fri. Sat. Sun'
No one else could have said it any better than Dal Shabet! It is the start of the weekend and we want to secretly move away from all of our responsibilities.
6. Saturday - 2PM 'Go Crazy'
It's Saturday night - how do you plan to go crazy?
7. Sunday - Tiger JK 'Reset'
Alas, Sunday has arrived. Whether you're at church praying you'll make it through the week or laying in bed pining over the inevitable Monday approaching, we all just want a reset button.

SEE ALSO: Renowned dog trainer Kang Hyung Wook engulfed in gaslighting controversy amid severe employee criticism

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