Posted by alim17308 pts Friday, March 11, 2016

Kim Go Eun talks about whether she's pretty or not

Kim Go Eun

Kim Go Eun talked about her unconventional looks in the K-entertainment industry during an interview on March 11 held at a cafe.

When asked to choose an advantage regarding her style, she chose the plain fashion that she seeks, stating that although the fashion style seems easy, it has to be stylish.  She added, "I think it's the same with my looks.  People look at me and wonder, 'Is she pretty? Is she not pretty?' and I want to maintain that."

SEE ALSO: 'Lee Hwa Rim' Kim Go Eun finally meets 'Ling Xiao Ming' Lee Soo Ji at the 60th Baeksang Arts Awards

When asked how she maintains the image of 'looking pretty yet not pretty,' Kim Go Eun replied, "Rather than 'Is she pretty or not pretty?' it could completely just turn to 'She's not pretty,' right?  I could look pretty now because I'm young, so I will work hard in order to not become 'not pretty.'"

A bit of an abstract yet completely understandable answer.  What do you think of her looks?

  1. Kim Go Eun
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