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Posted by Qrybaby2 pts Thursday, September 24, 2015

16 more signs that indicate you're addicted to K-Pop

1. You dream about K-Pop idols

According to the dictionary, addiction is a state characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences. Or in laymen's terms... you receive a little and then you say... give me moar!!! If you haven't already, forget to check out the previous article on 10 warning signs that indicate you're addicted to K-Pop.

Are you addicted to K-Pop? Comment below and share with us some of the examples on how you're addicted to Kpop!

2. You find any opportunity to blast your favorite K-Pop song
3. And you sing along whether you know the lyrics or not
4. Release days are the best days
5. You can't ever get enough of 'em chocolate abs
6. You practice aegyo
7. You love how korean sounds. You want to learn it
8. You've been to a few of their concerts
9. Actually, you've been to them all�in front of your computer
10. Its hard for you to choose an ultimate bae/bias
11. You create K-Drama fantasies with your chosen one
12. You love the faces they make
13. Unfortunately you've already watched all their videos on Youtube
14. But you keep looking for more stuff
15. And then you realize you've been up all night
16. But it's okay. Because now you can dream about them :)

SEE ALSO: Renowned dog trainer Kang Hyung Wook engulfed in gaslighting controversy amid severe employee criticism

  1. misc.
  2. KPOP
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