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Posted by jubilantj179 pts Thursday, July 14, 2016

Police apprehend gang for speeding over 186 mph in illegal street racing

YTN reported on a gang of people who were apprehended by the police for using illegally imported vehicles to engage in street racing and endangering the safety of the public. 

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YTN shared surveillance footage showing three expensive racing side by side in a tunnel. Suddenly, the middle car speeds up to butt into the left lane, colliding with the car that was racing in that lane and crashing headlong into the wall just ahead. The middle lane car spins out of control in midair from the impact of the collision, eventually landing belly up on the ground. 

Police reportedly apprehended a total of 73 gang members for racing over 300 km/h (~186 mph) and endangering the lives of the other citizens. Among the people apprehended, a good number of them were said to work specialized occupations such as doctors and accountants. 

Further, it was reported that the gang bribed an unidentified corporation to lift the speed limit constraints. 

A suspect in the street racing case testified, "It was an instance of adrenaline rush. I enjoy looking at cars, too. Because I really like them." 

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